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Birmingham City University

Saylah Hussain, Oana-Magdalena Halapciuc, Shanice Langford, Harpinda Sihra, Indraj Singh

Social media has boosted e-commerce and changed the way we shop. It has influenced our idea of exchange – whether it’s the exchange of knowledge, culture or feelings – and of wealth. Is it possible to be poor in money but wealthy in memories?

Our proposal seeks to create a social space that is fun and free to experience but also generates money. We have designed hotspots across the city that are marked and connected by footprints on the pavement. Each one is devised to encourage investment from local developers and businesses. Each has its own social media page, and there’s flexibility in use across them – for example, themed markets and spaces that can be used differently during day and night.

We believe that good social places are beautiful to look at, but what makes them truly attractive are the people who use them. As the journalist William H. Whyte said: “What attracts people most, it would appear, is other people.”
